Yesterday Liz and I visited the recently widowed deaconess Beatriz whose husband Pedro died last Thursday. We hadn't seen 86-year-old Beatriz since Pedro's death as Beatriz didn't go to the funeral. It wasn't an easy visit as naturally Beatriz was very low and tearful, but she was very grateful for the funeral service which she watched online. We talked as best we could with Beatriz, read the Bible and prayed with her. Please do pray for her. Beatriz has survived Covid twice.
Cases of Covid in Brazil continue to fall. The average daily death rate is now 261 and the average daily infection rate is down to 10,073.
Pastor José Renildo and his wife Tânia have been to Soledade for the baptism of 3 new converts. Thus they met up with all the members and got on well. This couple is potentially who will take on the leadership of our Soledade church next year as pastor Ângelo is resigning amicably at the end of this year.
I have been having discussions with pastor Maésio from our Teixeira church. He is facing one or two difficulties.
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