Please pray for our daughter Lynn who will have surgery tomorrow to remove endometriosis including a hysterectomy. She is in João Pessoa on the coast (4 hour drive) with her husband Hutan. We are looking after Amanda who is their 6-year-old daughter. This means we now have 2 grandchildren in our home. We have Louisa (Philip's daughter) on a more permanent basis. We love this. 😁
Louisa will be going to England for Christmas and she will stay for 2 months with her family. Louisa will sit the second part of her Bar Exams on December 12th, graduate from University on the 16th and fly out on the 18th! She will be very happy to see her Mum, Dad and brothers again. Louisa finishes the first semester of Bible College too this month. All her marks have been 90% plus thus far! She will have December off from Bible College and will start her second semester in January. When she returns to Brazil in February she will also do post-graduate studies in law.
I had a good long walk at Green Pastures on Friday afternoon and nearly trod on a White-bellied Nothura. This is a grouse-type bird about the size of a small chicken. It hunches down in the undergrowth when approached and I only saw it when it flew out suddenly. I also saw a pair of Pileated Finches and I found the remains of a giant Lizard Salvator Merianae which had clearly been eaten by a wild cat or fox.
Last night the Christians in Action group held the weekly service at Ipueira and our deaf pastor Luiz Carlos was the speaker. This attracted a lot of attention and the service was really blessed. At the same time I was leading the weekly service at the Green Pastures church and assistant pastor Rafael was the speaker. Numbers were down at this service owing to ill health and owing to the breakdown of an old banger of a car which normally brings one family.
Liz put our Christmas tree up yesterday! Covid cases are down further in Brazil. Average daily deaths are down to 211 and average daily new cases are down to 8,631. However in the interior of our State cases are up. This has meant the inauguration of the Travessia church, which was planned for December, has been postponed.
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