Thursday, 7 October 2021

Pastoral Meeting

Liz and I had a nice time of fellowship with Pastor Maésio and his wife Fia last night in our back garden. We had a good chat with them about the church they lead up in the mountains at Teixeira and gave them some advice on a number of matters. We also had a good time of prayer with them.

This morning we visited 87 year old Maria Prata and her carer and daughter Vasti. The visit was more for the daughter than the mother as Maria has dementia. We sang some old hymns, shared from God's word and prayed together. After we left this house Liz felt we should call in at a young woman's house (I can't give name or details) from the church. We found her in a depressed state and sobbing. We talked to her and prayed with her and we have since paid for her to see a psychiatrist. Please pray.

Today our project's team is delivering to Barra de Oitis village the building materials for 4 new chicken runs. They are also selecting a family for a new toilet/shower unit. I had an excellent in-person meeting with the Projects Team leaders yesterday which lasted 2 and a half hours. It was a superb meeting. We discussed the 4 wells in the pipeline and aim to do one well yet this year with the other 3 early next year after the team has their holidays in January which they very much deserve. We also gave them the good news that funds are coming for 2 new market gardens. PTL!

Our Flores School is back this week to in-person lessons with much care and caution. Next week our Matureia school will also be in-person and others will soon follow. We believe the Green Pastures will be in-person next week. All has been re-painted and revamped for this.

I have been talking to the pastor in Manaira and region called Francinaldo. He tells me that they are going to do children's evangelism at Travessia and Fonseca this month followed by special adult evangelism next month. The official inauguration of the new Travessia church will be in December at which I hope to preach. Liz and I plan to drive the 3 and a half hour journey there, take the service, and drive the 3 and a half hour journey home rather than risk Covid staying there the night. Please pray.

I have had good talks with Sister Nenem who leads the São Vicente do Seridó church. I have also had a good chat to a young man in our Patos church called Murilo who is doing very well in his Bible College course with ISBL. It is very encouraging to see young men developing spiritually like this.    

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