Sunday, 3 October 2021


I was dealing with a leadership issue till midnight yesterday, having got back from an excellent service at Green Pastures. Pastor Ângelo, who leads our Soledade church (1 hour 20 minute drive east of Patos), sent me a message on WhatsApp resigning as pastor as from the end of this year. This was not a surprise to me because he has not been happy in his work for a long time and I had heard rumours that his resignation was imminent. Nevertheless rumour is one thing and a fait accomplit is another. I talked to Ângelo a bit but I didn't try to get him to think again as I feel his decision was a right one. I then passed on the news to our 11-person leadership team for thought and prayer. There then ensued a discussion between me (chairman) with pastor Wostenes (vice-chairman). (The 11-person leadership team is elected every 4 years by all our church representatives and leaders) We have planned that Wostenes and his wife Gleydice, who are only 40 minutes away from Soledade where they live in Campina Grande, will have a meeting with the Soledade church council without the pastor next Friday (October 8th). The objective of the meeting will be to evaluate the present state of the church and hear what the church leaders feel and have in mind for next year onwards. Please pray for God to raise up a new leader for Soledade and guide us to him or her. 

The communion service last night at Green Pastures was particularly good despite us having to use playback for the praise and worship as we had nobody to play the guitar. I led the service and Sacha brought the message which was exceptionally good.

Yesterday afternoon Liz and I visited a family which includes 3 church members - Aina, Lourdes and Solange. We had a nice time of fellowship with them and read God's Word and prayed together.

Thank you for your prayers for Pr. Gersé's wife Sandra in Princesa Isabel. She is having a very mild bout of Covid just like a common cold. She is vaccinated with 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine which no doubt helps a lot. Average daily Covid deaths here are now at 500. We hear that Brazil is amongst the countries to be removed from the UK's Covid red list in the coming week. This is good news.

I will be preaching in a few hours time here in Patos at our monthly communion service.

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