Monday, 2 August 2021

Saturday break

We had a nice break at Green Pastures on Saturday spending the whole day there with the family to celebrate our granddaughter Alice's 14th birthday. We stayed there for the weekly service that we hold there on Saturday nights and we led that. It was lovely to hear a Tropical Screech Owl joining us in the praise and worship! Surely this was a foretaste of eternity when in the new heavens and new earth all nature will join the angelic and human choirs in praise to God. It was very encouraging to see the local farming folk from around Green Pastures really joining in the service too with enthusiasm. Most of them present have made commitments to Christ and form a nice little farming congregation. One important family was missing because their old old banger of a car, which we jokingly call a Ferrari, completely packed up and left them stranded 6 km from the service.

I led last night's service in Patos and it was very good. The church was full to the capacity we are allowed by State law as everyone must be masked and one and a half meters apart. I say by Paraiba State law because if the president was listened to, at a federal national level, there would be no masks or social distancing!

Things have improved in Brazil as regards the pandemic and we are grateful to everyone for their prayers. Average daily deaths have dropped from 4,000 at their peak to 991. This is of course terribly high but it is a lot better than it was. Elizabeth and I remain very vigilant and careful as we are aware that the Chinese vaccine we have been given only gives us 50% cover for the Covid virus and is much less effective than the other vaccines administered in Brazil which are Astrazeneca and Pfizer. The problem is here you don't get a choice here so we took the Chinese Coronavac as it was better than nothing. We still value your prayers.

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