Sunday, 29 August 2021

José Roberto

Sadly José Roberto has died from Covid. We had previously asked prayer for this none EAB church brother who had refused to be vaccinated against Covid. Late on Friday night Liz received a request for a prayer team to go to his wife Adriana's house and pray with her and we sent the team there as she was very low. Adriana (who had been vaccinated) contracted Covid very mildly. We will be praying for the bereaved family tonight in our main service of the week.

Liz and I pray together every day, but on Sunday mornings we spend longer together in prayer and are reading a Psalm per Sunday. We have just finished this devotional time together. We have a list of prayer topics and people so as not to forget anyone in our intercession.

Last night the regular Saturday night service at Green Pastures went very well indeed with our granddaughter Louisa (in her final semester at Law School and her first semester at Theology School) bringing a lovely message for the farming folk from Psalm 23. A little boy from the farming village of Assentamento NS Aparecida II sang a song. The 4-year-old Josué (Joshua) froze when he got to the front to sing, but with his grandfather Paulo's help he managed be courageous and sing his song for Jesus!

The services at night at Green Pastures are accompanied by the bird song of a multitude of birds in the trees around the meeting hall which are awoken by the extra lighting switched on for the people's arrival. The meeting hall has no walls on two sides so it is totally exposed to the external bird song. It means the church needs to sing well to be heard! 

The workers at Green Pastures have virtually finished painting Block A dormitories plus the school rooms. They met up with two snakes this week. One was coiled up on the ball cock of a water tank on the roof and the other was in a store room. Both snakes were released out in the bush as everyone knows that we do not kill snakes.

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