Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Second Vaccination Dose

This morning Liz and I have had our second dose of the Coronovac Chinese vaccination so this means in a few weeks time we should have a fair level of immunity from Covid-19. We are grateful to God and scientists for this. We are aware that the vaccine gives limited protection but it is better than nothing. From a few weeks time onwards we will aim at getting more back to normal whilst continuing to be cautious, wearing masks, social distancing etc. 

I have been asked what my links are with LST - the London School of Theology, with whom I attended a virtual Research Conference last week. Well - I did a B.A. (Hons) Degree in Theology with LST many moons ago and this I followed with an M.A. in Theology and Religious Studies with Leeds University. I found these studies very stimulating and they were a very great blessing and enrichment to my life and work. I also find it is important to keep being challenged by Christian scholars who think deeply about a variety of Biblical topics and about the way the Christian faith relates to everyday life, science, the poor, the environment, politics etc.

At our Green Pastures Nature Reserve & Christian Conference Centre we see a lot of lizards. We have so far identified 15 species of lizards and the largest of these we are seeing a lot of lately is called Salvator merianae which grows up to 2 metres in length. At Green Pastures we supply water to our neighbours from our well. We have long had a pipe linked to one of our water tanks which has a tap on an outer front fence which means people can come and help themselves to water whenever they need it without having to come inside Green Pastures. It is always a joy to see poor people loading up their carts with water in this way.

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