Sunday, 18 April 2021

Inch & a half

The night before last it rained 12 mm at Green Pastures Nature Reserve & Christian Conference Centre and last night it rained 26 mm, so that adds up to just over an inch and a half of rain in two nights. This is good but sadly not enough to accumulate water in the stream or lake and which remain totally dry.

We watched Prince Philip's funeral service yesterday on the BBC World Service. It certainly was a beautiful sunny day for the event and everything went off impeccably well with typically British precision. What a contrast with how, when we first came here, TV was black and white and the image was awful, but now we could see and hear everything from Windsor Castle as well as you could in the UK. May God comfort the Queen and all the family.

Another of our pastors, José Renildo, who leads the church near the beach of Jacumã near João Pessoa, is recovering from a second bout of Covid-19. Sadly his experiences, rather than giving him a humble sense of gratitude to God, have given him a sense of spiritual pride and he is boasting about how he "has no fear". He is a military man and a follower of President Bolsonaro. I will say no more but just ask you to pray for us to have wisdom on how to handle this arrogance which is in the hearts of the majority of evangelical Christians here.

I will be leading part of the service tonight in the Patos church and assistant pastor Rafael will be leading the other part. Pastor Lucena (retired Congregational) will be preaching.

Liz and I are due to have our second dose of the Chinese Coronavac Covid vaccine on Tuesday.

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