Our Green Pastures Christian Conference Centre and Nature Reserve sees the Conference Centre on hold owing to the pandemic. Last month, for example, would have normally seen our annual leaders conference there but this had to be cancelled and essential business was dealt with an online Google Meet Conference. However of course the Nature Reserve side of things carries on unaffected caring for creation and seeking to be a Christian example. Thus we had the thrill this week to register with a Bushnell automatic wildlife camera a deer for the very first time, which are extremely rare in our region.
Tonight the local church there will be meeting in-person with all the necessary precautions and we pray that God will bless. A team from Patos will be taking the service.
I have been doing a lot more work on the history of the churches and projects here for the benefit of our churches. The idea is to cover the first 80 years and I've now just completed 66 years. It's a lot of work wading through the minutes of meetings plus church and project reports and newsletters but I believe the end result will be worthwhile. I value your prayers.
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