Thursday, 22 October 2020

Bathroom dream comes true

 Cícera Virgulino da Silva is a 37-year-old mother of 5 who is married to João Paulo. Her family has lived at Barra de Oitis slave descendent community for many generations. She cannot read or write. Cícera has only ever known poverty and used to walk for 2 hours to find water to wash the family clothes when she was just 9. By 11 she had to work in the plantations in the rainy season. This she still does today as a mother of 5.

Cícera says: “I always dreamed of having a bathroom and toilet which is something we never ever had. We just had a hut for the women to wash down in but no toilet. This was especially difficult and even dangerous for the women. Now we are overjoyed by the toilet/shower unit that EAB/ACEV have built for us. It is wonderful and will serve our house and 7 other houses near ours!”

These folk are also receiving help setting up market gardens and chicken runs so as to enhance their income and improve their diet. This community is hearing the Gospel too and seeing God’s love in action. We thank everyone who prays for and supports the work of EAB.

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