Saturday, 1 April 2017

Walks & Talks

I did two walks and talks with school children this week at Green Pastures - the second of which was particularly gratifying as it was with the kids of our own school there and a neighbouring school. All was so worthwhile and very nice.

I have prepared my sermon for tomorrow, which will complete John 3 in my series in that Gospel, with this being sermon Nº 14. The title for tomorrow is "He who believes on the Son has eternal life". John 3:31-36 is certainly a passage which exalts Christ but whether the Apostle John composed these words or John the Baptist I am not sure. I will discuss issues like what happens to people who believe and then go away from God? i.e. Do they have and then not have eternal life? I also will address the other sign of the coin. i.e. not have eternal life in Christ but rather eternal death. How do we conceive this? After all spirits don't burn!

I have also returned to my book on the history of ACEV in Portuguese and have now completed chapter 11. It's a big job but I need to do it!

I have been holding a good healthy discussion on social media today as to why it rains in some places but not in others? This is a serious problem we are facing here so at the top of people's minds. At Green Pastures we are way above average rainfall but in so many other places way below average and in water supply collapse.

I have also had discussions on the awful killing of an adolescent in Rio shot by stray police bullets inside her school! Outrageous!

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