Saturday, 8 April 2017

Returned from João Pessoa

Liz and I went to João Pessoa on Thursday and returned to Patos today. We visited an elderly couple, Cesário e Euda, who used to be members of our church in Patos. He is 89 and she is 86. It was a lovely time of fellowship.

I also did some follow-up visits to doctors and all was well. I have arranged to have a hernia fixed in June after the Field Conference. 

The youth are leading an outreach service tonight in a very rough area of town bless their hearts. I have just heard that the service went very well with many gathered to hear the Gospel. This is the start of our Easter build up. There will be different special services and events this coming week.

My sermon for this Sunday is ready to roll. However I am a little apprehensive as in our hotel room last night in João Pessoa I said to Liz that I would run through the points of my sermon for her to hear and give me her thoughts. I went through everything from my laptop with my back to the bed where Liz was "listening". When I finished I asked Liz what she thought and got no reply. When I turned round she was fast asleep and confessed afterwards she hadn't even heard the title! So I figure that if if it had this effect on my wife then I can't imagine how it will go with all the church!

Anyway the sermon is entitled: "He had to go through Samaria" and is on John 4:1-19.  I value your prayers! This is sermon 15 in my John's Gospel series. 

We will be having our usual Easter family break this coming week - starting on Wednesday night and running through to Saturday night. On Sunday we will have the annual Easter Sunday church fellowship breakfast in the morning and the Resurrection celebration at night with praise, drama, baptism and the preaching of the Gospel. A Happy Easter to one and all!

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