Monday, 1 August 2016

Visit from Rocha International

On Friday morning I spent a lovely morning at Green Pastures with a new university professor to Green Pastures + 10 forestry students. They loved it and it went great.

Later on Friday we received the visit of the Brazilian Executive Director of Rocha International - Conservation and Hope. This is a Christian organization with work in many countries whose headquarters is in London. He had come to visit Green Pastures which was for him a sort of case of love at first sight! As a result I have been asked to join their Council of Reference and Green Pastures is to become their centre of reference for environmental research and conservation for the whole of north-eastern Brazil. The brother preached on Saturday night in a great service at Green Pastures (photo below) and on Sunday preached in the Patos church. Both services were mightily blessed.

Liz has today been given the all clear to drive again by her doctor. PTL! She has to go steady does it - a bit at a time - but she can get drive again which is wondersul. Thanks for your prayers.

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