Thursday, 4 August 2016

Liz back behind the wheel

Liz drove for the first time in 4 months yesterday. PTL! She had no problems, but just found the whole day very tiring owing to her loss of muscle mass over her period in bed and wheelchair following her accident. I would imagine she will take another month to build up her muscles again and feel totally 100%. Nevertheless she was able to go to church in the day and sort out lots of things there and in the Care Centre. 

I have been doing a fair bit of counselling this week and also have been for a routine check-up with my diabetics doctor together with all the routine blood tests. The last were done in March. My results thus far are fine with my main glucose in the blood test dropping from 6.7 to 6.1 which is great. Other results take a few days to get back to us. I have further check-ups in Campina Grande & João Pessoa next week.

I am now busy preparing sermons for the weekend. I will be preaching at Curral Velho on Saturday and at the Communion Service on Sunday. I also have the Patos Bible study tonight. Will also be trouble shooting at Barra de Oitis and having a meal with the pastor and his wife at Itaporanga. Your prayers are always greatly appreciated.

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