Saturday, 20 January 2024


Our son Philip is quite ill with pneumonia. The doctors almost admitted him to hospital but he has been allowed to continue his antibiotics at home. Please pray for Philip!

Our mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study was very good. I led it, Fabio and Rogerio led the praise and worship and Bible College graduate Murilo brought a study on Psalm 1. Espedita sang a solo and verses of Scripture were shared by Deaconess Deborah Maria, Dede, Marcio, Maria and Romildo.

At Green Pastures it now lives up to its name of green after the rains. It is a sight for sore eyes! Yesterday I saw a Red-cowled Cardinal, a wild Guinea Pig and a Burrowing Owl whilst there.

Liz and I will be leaving shortly for Tavares to preach at the last big rally of the 10-day evangelistic outreach there. We go up the Teixeira mountain to get there and drive for between 2 and 2 and a half hours. Then we have it all to drive back again after the service so get back very late. Please pray! 

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