Wednesday, 1 November 2023


I have been without my laptop for 2 days as it had to go to be fixed as the sound would not work. Windows 11 had to be uninstalled and then re-installed. Hopefully it is now cured.

The men's fellowship went well last night. Our meeting of 10 men was held at brother Tiago Medeiros's house. We had a good time of fellowship, a nice time of sharing around God's Word and a delicious snack was served to all at the end. 😋

Yesterday afternoon I had a nice walk at Green Pastures and saw many birds whilst there which included 15 Picui Ground Doves, 2 White-tipped Doves, 4 Caatinga Cacholotes, 1 Burrowing Owl, 1 White-naped Jay and 2 Pileated Finches. I also saw a medium sized Iguana. I also had a look at Francisco's work planting giant cactuses which can be sold as cattle feed in a year's time. This income will help to pay Francisco's wage as Francisco takes care of Green Pastures on a day to day basis.

On Monday night a group from Patos (Rafael, Chico, Josinete, Iara & Marcia) went and held a service at Netinho and Nega's farmstead to which 51 people gathered. PTL!

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