Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Sunday School

Sunday School here takes place at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings and is for all ages from 1 to 101. There are classes for children, a discipleship class for those preparing for baptism, a youth class and an adult class. This Sunday it went off very well.

I led the service on Sunday night and assistant pastor Rafael preached from John 21. Last week was Rafael's 33rd birthday so the church gave him a gift during the service.

I have been having discussions with Pastor Sílvio at Portelo and it has been decided that Pastor Davi and his wife Auzenir will now work alongside Sílvio. Davi and Auzenir had previously been attempting to establish a new work at Poçinhos, but that didn't work out.

This Saturday the All Souls orchestra and choir will be presenting the Coronation Prom - King of Kings at the Royal Albert Hall at 7 pm UK time. The event is a sell out which will have 5,000 people present, but it will be available on YouTube live and free. We will be watching it and we hope you will too.  allsoulsmusic.org We know that the event will be strongly evangelistic. All Souls was John Stott's church, which maintains a fantastic Gospel witness constantly, in the centre of London.

Today is our granddaughter Amanda's 8th birthday.

Please pray for our son Philip, his wife Gylmara and their son Lucas. Gylmara and Lucas have tested positive for Covid today and Philip has identical symptoms and will probably test positive tomorrow.

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