EAB/ACEV holds its General Conference every May. This year it will be held on May 26th-27th at our first Campina Grande church in the borough of Catolé where Wostenes is the senior pastor. I am in the process of drawing up the agenda for this event together with our senior leadership team.
The building materials for our next two toilet/shower units were delivered to Barra de Oitis this week by a lorry from Itaporanga. Marilene, Edicledia and families were overjoyed at the sight as they start to see evidence of their dreams of a toilet come true.
Friday night is the night when our Patos church members have the opportunity to learn sign language for the deaf. Our assistant pastor Luis Carlos (who is deaf) is the teacher and a new group is starting now. The basic course usually lasts between one and two years. please pray for this new group and our church's ministry with the deaf.
Typing these words to the sound of the song of the Southern Wren is beautiful. The species is often singing in our garden. Another nice aspect of nature at our house in Patos is a Humming bird which has made a nest on a plant on our veranda. The bird sometimes flies inside our house.
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