Monday, 21 February 2022

Jumble Sale

On Saturday afternoon we held a jumble sale outside our Patos School. It was due to start at 2 pm but lots of people were already gathered by midday so we started early. We sell everything very cheap especially clothes and shoes. It raises funds for the revamp of our Care Centre and gives poor people dignity being able to buy their own things.

Over the weekend I had a tummy virus which knocked me out of action for a day or so. Our daughter Lynn had it before me.

I saw a beautiful young fox at Green Pastures. It was very close and seemed nor to care at all about me being so near.

I have received reports from our little Action Schools at Juru, Itaporanga, Princesa Isabel, Ibiara and Caroá. It is good to see that the schools are going well.

Our church at Soledade, which was at a low ebb, is showing signs of new life thanks to the support and ministry of our Campina Grande and João Pessoa churches over the past 3 months. Please pray for Soledade.

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