We will be having a break over the carnival period, as from tomorrow, with us and the family spending the days at Green Pastures. The camp that was to have been held over the carnival period has been switched to the Easter week owing to the pandemic.
I have been having discussions with Pastor Maésio (Teixeira) and Pastor Manoel Oliveira Filho (João Pessoa - Boa Esperança). The discussions were blessed and fruitful. I also have been talking to Pastor Ângelo regarding his future work and ministry after he resigned from the Soledade church. I too have been checking the reports from the EAB Action Schools at Patos, Imaculada, Soledade, Matureia, Manaíra and Flores. I have had discussions with the projects team about the 4-Legs Project (goats/hair sheep) which is going very well.
I received a request from the Brazilian Inter-Varsity Fellowship asking me to write a chapter for a new book. My contribution will be about my experiences and work with the Brazilian IVF between 1976 and 1982. I have been working on this.
It is with great sadness that we see the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Putin is cynical, ruthless and evil. This invasion has clearly been plotted and planned for a long time. We pray for peace and justice.