Monday, 24 May 2021

Light blue shirt

I get quite attached to my clothes and there are some items, of particularly nice colours, which become like my trade mark. So you might imagine my sadness when upon putting on my favourite light blue shirt at the weekend Liz said: "that must go to the bin!" I was staggered! Just because of a couple of holes and one small slit my dear shirt was given the sentence of capital punishment and it was only eight years old. But when Liz gets her mind set on "keeping me smart" I have long learnt that it is no good arguing. "I wouldn't have the courage to put it in the jumble sale", Liz said. Dear me! My poor shirt has bit the dust and to add insult to injury today I saw Liz using a pale blue dusting cloth. Who can understand women?

Last night's service was lovely. It is great to be back in church again in person and to lead the service. Pastor Lucena preached on 'The Compelling Love of Christ' from 2 Corinthians 5:14. At the end one man expressed his desire to return to following Jesus after a time away from God. Last Sunday there was a decision by a woman to follow the Lord as well. I am not sure how much longer we will be able to hold in person services as the pandemic is getting worse again here.

I have had an excellent Zoom meeting this morning with Pastor Renilson and his wife Getiane from the Matureia church up in the mountains. The meeting was about the Action School there which is going really well.    

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