Thursday, 4 February 2021


 I have been having long discussions with pastor Lindon Carlos (Imaculada) and others of the EAB/ACEV projects team. We discussed the next toilet/shower units to be built at the Barra de Oitis slave-descendents community in Diamante County. We also discussed the 4-Legs goats project and the 2-Wings Chicken Runs. We value your prayers for these projects in these difficult times.

I have been going through the ISBL Bible College reports and see that our co-leader of the second EAB/ACEV church at Princesa Isabel is having difficulties with his studies and getting low marks. I have contacted Jair and his wife Silvânia to encourage him and carefully suggest that his wife helps him as she is more academic than he is. On the other hand I was very pleased to see how well Murilo (Patos) is doing. His lowest mark so far is 90%! He is such a lovely young man and so keen for the things of God. He has only been a Christian about 2 years. We have asked him to preach at Green Pastures a week this Saturday. Another of our young church leaders, Roberto (known as Betinho) from Ibiara is doing well with just a couple of hiccups in 2 subjects. Finally what a joy it is to see a young woman called Sandra at Água Grande doing really well in her studies. She leads a little village church at this place and lives out in the rural sticks. Yet she is really progressing well with her distance studies on line. I was quite surprised when she first enrolled but she is proving to be a good student. Praise God! So please pray for our Bible College students spread out far and wide. 

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