Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Father's Day

 Sunday, the second in August, was Father's Day in Brazil so I preached an appropriate sermon using some Biblical texts and applying them to Fathers. For example I focused on the father in the prodigal son's parable. All went well. PTL! 

Yesterday I had another good walk of about 2 and a half miles. I then scheduled some of the photos I took, like that of the Red-cowled Cardinal, and posted them on the Green Pastures Nature page on Facebook.

EAB's annual celebration will be online this year on October 3rd. I am working on our annual report for this. I also am working on the Mission's history in Portuguese and have now completed 1938 to 1996. It is a massive job but I am sticking at it. The challenge now is that with all the growth in the Mission over the last 30 years there is much more detail to find and fit in. I have 3 sources of information: 1) The ACEV minutes from all the leadership meetings each year and all the general assemblies. 2) The EAB In Touch magazines. 3) The individual churches submissions of their own histories. I value your prayers.

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