Monday, 17 June 2019

Visiting the Flock

Liz and I visited one of our senior ladies today. She has had 3 husbands who all died. She has 2 sons, one of which is very problematic and has been in jail twice. We listened to her, talked things over and prayed with her.

We then went to visit a man from the Patos church who went down with sudden deafness in one ear some months ago giving him noises in the ear all the time. He has just been operated on for the third time. We prayed with him too and for his elderly Mum and sister who cares for her.

I have spent some time reading today. I read 3 more chapters of God's Strategy in Human History and one chapter from Christianity: The Evidence. Both books are by Forster & Marsten and are excellent. 

Liz has been helping the youth sort out what they are going to feed the participants at the Youth Conference this weekend at Green Pastures. Liz has also been counselling someone from church who has severe family problems. We always value your prayers for all aspects of the work of God we are involved in because our battle is definitely not just with "flesh and blood" but is much more sinister than that which meets the eye!

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