Monday, 13 May 2019

Annual EAB Charity Concert at Chineham

My sister Jean is one of the best music teachers around and this year had total success with all of her pupils passing their exams. Every year she organizes a charity concert at her church, to raise funds for EAB, in which her pupils perform. We are very grateful to Jean and all the young musicians who always make the afternoon a very enjoyable one. We also thank the parents who bake cakes or savoury pastries for the interval and which makes the concert even more enjoyable!

This year's concert will be held on Saturday, July 6th at 3 pm and all money raised for tickets and refreshments will be to support EAB's projects in northeast Brazil. The address to go to is:

Christ Church, Reading Road, Chineham, Basingstoke, RG24 8LT. 

Please do support this event if you live in Hampshire and may God bless all who perform and go to the event.

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