Saturday, 13 April 2019

Busy but good week

I prepared this Sunday's sermon covering John chapters 15 to 17 which is an endeavour to show folk that Jesus' teaching and unity prayer etc. is set on the eve of His arrest, trial, crucifixion, burial and resurrection. Many overlook this taking Scripture as isolated bits. This panoramic view of three chapters, with their application to us today, will prepare us for Easter the following week.

I have done lots of counselling and pastoral visits this week too. Maria Prata was 84 on Thursday and she was already a faithful member here when I arrived 47 years ago.

We also counselled a teenager being purturbed by Roman Catholic attacks of a doctrinal nature. We also have worked on the Patos School's extension team for the Saturdays which is passing through turbulence. We will be having lunch and a meeting with the whole team today to try and sort the problems out. During the week we had meetings with the head teacher and the team separately.

We also had a meeting with a projects leader and social worker about a new project proposed by Tearfund that we feel is too much for us to take on on top of everything else.

We travelled to Campina Grande (2 and a half hours drive east) on Thursday and had cardiologist routine check-ups. We held excellent meetings whilst there with Pastor Wostenes and his wife Gleydice and with Pastor Hamilton. Both their churches are going very well. PTL! We discussed a wide range of subjects.

In next week's Easter period we will endeavour to have our annual family break at Green Pastures and be back in church for Easter Sunday for which I need to prepare my sermon covering John chapters 18 to 20. Help! Please pray!

A Happy Easter to one and all!

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