Saturday, 30 March 2019

Rains have continued this week

Thankfully the rains have continued this week, and with the further inch last night we have now passed the 21 inch mark, which means we are just over half way to our target of 40 inches. The problem still remains that we are not accumulating rain in the reservoirs and lakes as the rains are all night fine rains and what we now need are some big fast heavy downpours. We pray on. 

Yesterday we visited our very faithful veteran couple of leaders: Elder Pedro Guedes (aged 87) and his wife and Deaconess Beatriz (aged 82). They have just lost a grandson who commited suicide and are naturally devastated. He was a Christian who was a member of an AOG church and had a history of depression and the likes. Please pray for this family.

I gave the Bible study on Thursday in the latter part of Philipians 3, and into 4, and it went well with 20 present.

I did all my routine blood tests this week and my cholesterol is perfect, glucose under control etc. so well pleased. 

In the general oversight of EAB/ACEV's 86 churches the work is busy and Pastor Maésio and family moved to Teixeira from Conceição yesterday and their induction service is next Saturday. Please pray for these churches in times of transition which is never easy. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, I'll be preaching in Patos again so must get on with my preparation. We value your prayers always.

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