Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Philip 40

Our son Philip had his 40th birthday yesterday and we had a nice family meal together in the evening to celebrate.

I also sorted out a number of issues at Green Pastures yesterday and had a very long walk which was good.

I had discussions with the ACEV leadership team yesterday on a number of matters. I also had discussions regarding the special outreach in the Green Pastures region to be held from the 13th to 15th this month. I will preach in the first evangelistic service on the Friday, before travelling to preach in João Pessoa on the coast the next day. I will be preaching this Saturday (7th) at Matureia up in the mountains and back in Patos on the Sunday.

I had discussions with the Action Child coordination team yesterday and we will have a training refresher day for all the teachers on July 24th.

I had meetings with the "Drug Free" team yesterday and all is ready for the meeting tonight.

I had meetings with two university professors yesterday - one about trees and the other about butterflies. The latter is jubilant at some rare species being found at Green Pastures. How amazing the results are from God's creation if you just care for it and leave it alone! The tree expert and I discussed aspects of further research to be done. 

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