Monday, 19 February 2018

Great Camp

The Carnival Camp was a real blessing with 250 present. The theme this year for the messages was: EAB/ACEV 80 years - our commitment to integral mission carries on. "Here I am, send me"! (Isaiah 6:8)

The opening message on the Saturday night was brought by Pastor Wostenes (Campina Grande) on"what integral mission is and what it is not". On the Sunday morning his wife Gleydice spoke on the place of art and culture in the integral mission of the church. On the Sunday night Pastor Gersé (Princesa Isabel) spoke about integral mission in rural areas drilling wells etc. On Monday morning Pastor Lindon Carlos (Imaculada) laid out the Biblical Basis for Integral Mission and at night I spoke about how environmental care is part of the integral mission of the church. On Tuesday morning our Social Worker Marah Danielle (Patos) spoke about the place of the woman in the integral mission of the church and the closing service that evening heard Pastor Rafael (Teixeira) speaking about church planting and evangelism as part of integral mission. 

As well as this Bible teaching there was much great praise and worship plus leisure times, walks, sport etc. There was a parallel programme for the children which also went well.

Thanks to one and all for your support and prayers.

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