Monday, 9 October 2017

15 churches in a week!

Well it was a week with enough to do to keep us out of mischief! Liz and I over the past days visited no less than 15 EAB/ACEV churches - talking to the leaders and praying with them and taking part ministering in services. We took workers Josinete and Ray with us.

We went up the mountains to Teixeira, Matureia, Imaculada & Glória and then moving further west to Juru, Tavares, Cedro, Maia, Princesa Isabel and Manaíra. We held the opening service of the new church at Água Grande where I preached. We also went to Mandacaru, Pinheira, Travessia and Umburana before preaching again at Caroá. 

It was quite a marathon but really blessed. A big crowd gathered for the opening service on Saturday night. It really was lovely. The service on Sunday saw the Caroá church full. We visited well projects and plantations projects too. 

The jeep has returned unrecognizable covered with earth, dust and sand! What tracks we have been coping with these past days. Incredible!

I feel in need of a siesta now this Monday afternoon! Thanks for all your prayers and support. 

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