Wednesday, 20 September 2017

In Touch 88 in the Pipeline

I worked on In Touch 88 this week, which is produced by myself and Marian Rashleigh. Now it has gone to the graphics man Dave Flowers for the layout, before going to the printers. It's due out in October. I also did some report material for a church which they requested.

I have prepared my sermon for Sunday, and done the order of service, as we have the leadership conference starting on Friday, so all has to be prepared in advance. I have also prepared the program for the Conference and the schedule for the leaders' board meeting to be held there. 

I have also done a lot of work on Action Child here this week sorting out some important matters with the leaders. Action Child is going well again now. PTL!

I have had lots of issues to deal with this week with the leading pastors. It has been an exhausting week.

Tomorrow I take a group of 6 year old children to Green Pastures and on Friday there will be a group of 9 year olds - both groups in the mornings. The Conference starts late afternoon. We value your prayers.

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