Tuesday, 23 June 2015

I trod on a Snake

This morning's Green Pasture's walk saw me engaged in two snake encounters close up. Clearly snakes-on-the-move time is here again. The first was a second encounter with a 6 foot Black Snake (Pseudoboa nigra) which I had seen at the weekend. 

Not more than about a hundred metres from this encounter something a bit more complex occured as I trod on a highly dangerous Coral Snake which I hadn't noticed on the ground as I was looking for a bird in the tree Tarcísio and I were under. Tarcíscio saw it all happen but it was so quick that it was all over in seconds. The snake wrapped round my boot and as I walked on got loose and I then saw it disappearing down a hole in the ground. This is why I always walk in the bush in boots and jeans as it gives you necessary protection.

The church youth's special programme to coincide with the St. John's Festival here, with its heavy drug, drink and promiscuity, is going very well. How wonderful to see them all in church having fun last night and tonight there is more. It's no good just telling kids not to do wrong. You've got to give them good alternatives!

Our campaign to get the drunk drivers' situation here taken seriously is finally paying dividends. The police have really got their act together at this festival and many have been arrested. This has certainly saved lives.

Tomorrow is St. John's Day which is the big festival in Brazil's north-east, so as things always happen on the eve of the day (e.g. Christmas Eve) so tonight promises to be noisy and long!

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