Wednesday, 29 April 2015


I am an avid preparer of sermons. I can't stand listening to waffle and on the spot ramblings. Hence I am at present preparing a sermon in the book of Isaiah for this coming Sunday in Patos. Such preparation always takes me many hours and even days. 

Sadly the rainy season has come to little at Green Pastures. I was there yesterday to check things over and we have now had 359mm of rain this year (15 inches). We would need at least double this for a reasonable year. Yes - we have prayed and are praying. There is hope of some rain as we go into May, but the main potential rainy season in our region is the first third of the year. Just like in the UK you don't get snow in July so we don't get rain in the second half of the year and little in the last two-thirds. This situation reflects on everything - life, nature, churches (people move away to survive) etc. We continue to pray and ask you to continue to pray with us as the thing is that 15 inches just doesn't fill the reservoirs for later in the year.

It is encouraging the way university professors are increasingly warming to our Green Pastures endeavours. This is both helpful and I learn a lot from them.

I have been handling the usual stream of matters concerning the work with people turning up here in the office to talk to me, discuss things, ask questions + constant emails and phone calls. Liz is equally on the go continually. At times I don't know how she copes. I also went to the dentist's yesterday and I'm still breathing!

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