Monday, 23 February 2015

Wet Sunday

Yesterday was a good day with more rain in the afternoon and in the evening. In Patos it rained 14mm and probably a similar amount at Green Pastures - although we don't have the exact amount yet from Tarcísio. So we are getting some rain, but we need a lot more big-time rain to really get things moving here. We are getting lots of tree seedlings into place ready for planting once we get enough rain.

The church service in Patos last night was great. I dedicated two babies, received 4 new members into fellowship (3 were baptized at the Camp), preached on Christian service and Philip presented a report to the church on the Camp. The rain fell quite heavily towards the end of the service so that meant people stayed for a sort of after-service with praise, snacks and fellowship. PTL!

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