Monday, 19 January 2015

10-day Evangelistic Outreach comes to an end

Here's the 70-strong team photo on the final day of the 10-day EAB/ACEV Outreach at Soledade. Mission accomplished! May God bless this young team which swapped beach and holiday for sleeping and eating rough so as to evangelize the population of Soledade and neighbouring São Vicente do Seridó. 20 decisions for Christ and 70 families waiting for follow up visits and Bible studies! Wow! PTL! Thank you for praying and supporting EAB.

Liz is back from Recife with Alice and Bia. That is good!

My jeep has been serviced today. All fine. They just brought forward the air filter change by 10,000km as "clearly you drive on lots of earth tracks", said the mechanic!

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