Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Green Pastures on TV!

I spent the whole morning at Green Pastures filming with a TV crew for a programme they say is to be broadcast in about 2 months time. Watch this space. They seemed to be fascinated with the place and with the way it has developed as a Nature Reserve. They saw photos on the wall there of what it was like 35 years ago! They asked me for the originals of my films of Raccoons and Wild Puma Cats and for my authorization to broadcast them as part of the programme! Of course I agreed. This could almost put me in line for an Oscar!

At the end I gave them lots of EAB/ACEV literature and online links + my book 'Notting Hill to Brazil'. I told them lots about our projects and they were very interested. I hope the programme comes out alright as it is going to be available online so everyone will be able to see it anywhere.

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