Thursday, 28 August 2014

Rural Communities (part 2)

This morning I went to Green Pastures for a good walk and photographed bats, a snake and a Field Punarei which is a sort of large field mouse or rat. I have seen these a number of times but never had managed to photograph one, but today I clicked one which was part of a family darting in and out of the rocks near the dam. (see below)

Going back to Tuesday in Flores (Pernambuco State) I wrote yesterday about what we did in the morning. In the afternoon we visited the EAB/ACEV Action School and that was nice. We even had a bit of fun with the kids teaching them English as that was what they wanted.

 At night we met with the church members and after a time of prayer and worship we had a good discussion about the work there at Flores seeking to hear what they wanted us to know and how they felt and what they would like to see in the church. It was good. We drove home late at night and we got to bed after midnight. Thanks for your prayers.

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