Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Last Sunday

The last Sunday service of the year went off well. I led the service and Sacha, Erica and Fabio led the worship backed up by Rogerio, Netinho and Rogaciano. Pastor Rafael preached on Simeon from Luke 2. It was a good service.

QPR drew 1 x 1 away to Norwich at the weekend, with Norwich getting the equalizer in the 89th minute unfortunately.

One of the young married men from church, Perlânio, who is an interpreter for the deaf, fell off the roof of his bungalow house and was taken to hospital in an ambulance and x-rayed, but gratefully he has not broken anything and is just shaken up with cuts and bruises. Please pray for his recovery and for him to be able to get a job which he needs badly.

Happy New Year!

Monday, 30 December 2024

Numbers 1 (résumé): The Census

Now we start the book of Numbers which covers nearly 40 years of Israelite history, as opposed to the previous book of Leviticus which covered just one month. And chapter 1 starts on the first day of the second month of the second year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, when God told Moses to conduct a census counting all the men 20 years old or over who were apt to serve in the army.

Moses and Aaron conducted the census with the help of 12 tribal leaders and came up with the following results for each respective tribe: The tribe of Reuben (46,500), the tribe of Simeon (59,300), the tribe of Gad (45,650), the tribe of Judah (74,600), the tribe of Issachar (54,400), the tribe of Zebulun (57,400), the tribe of Joseph (40,500), the tribe of Manasseh (32,200), the tribe of Benjamin (35,400), the tribe of Dan (62,700), the tribe of Asher (41,500) and the tribe of Naphtali (53,400). This made a total of 603,550 fighting men and does not include women, girls, boys under 20, old people and sick people.

People from the tribe of Levi were not counted in the census as they had an exclusive job to take care of and transport the Tabernacle and nobody else was allowed to get near it under the penalty of death. The Levites had to camp around the Tabernacle to protect it.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

End-of-year Parties

This week has seen more end-of-year parties with the different ministry groups at our church. On Thursday it was the turn of our team from the Pastor Frank Dyer School who celebrated a year of blessings at the school.

On Friday our Married Couples' Fellowship had a nice meal together in the evening along with much fun and fellowship. 

Yesterday the youth spent a relaxing fun day at Green Pastures starting at 8 am and going right through the day.

I have been listening to the Great Kiskadee sing outside my office window. I also heard the Caatinga Cacholote and saw a number of Glittering-bellied Emerald Hummingbirds.

I am pleased to have completed my résumés of the book of Leviticus. This means that with the 50 chapters of Genesis + 40 of Exodus + 27 of Leviticus I am managing to keep up my average of just over 1 chapter a day as I started this venture on 23.09.2024. 

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Leviticus 27 (résumé): The Redemption of Vows

Staunch atheists have been known to cry to God when faced by death. So too people make vows to God under extenuating circumstances and then sometimes once delivered want to go back on their vow. But vows of people, property or animals are serious before God and can only be taken back or redeemed when done properly. This chapter thus gives detailed instructions of the redeemable value of people such as a man between 20 and 60 @ 50 shekels whereas a woman of the same age was only valued at 30 shekels. 

If a person vows an animal that animal cannot be substituted for another of inferior quality to pay the vow, and any questions of relevant values will be refereed by the priest. So too the priest will be judge of vowed houses and if a person vows his house and redeems it he will pay a 20% additional fine. So too the priest will act as judge regarding vowed land with the judge adjudicating respective values taking into consideration the proximity of the year of Jubilee. 

It was finally reminded that firstborn animals were automatically the Lord's as were the tithe of farming and livestock produce.  

Leviticus 26 (résumé): Reward for Obedience & Punishment for Disobedience

Now God says that if the Israelites refrain from idolatry, observe the sabbath, and obey his decrees and commands then they will receive regular rains, abundant harvests, peace, protection from wild beasts, security, protection from enemies, and fertility, and he would walk amongst them as their God.

However if they disobey God and abandon the covenant then exactly the opposite will happen. They will experience famine, disease and defeat by their enemies, and if they continue stubbornly to disobey then things will steadily get worse for them and they will even end up eating their own children out of desperation! The Israelites' enemies will end up dominating their land and many will go into exile.  

Yet God still called his people to repent of their evil ways so that he could renew the covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and restore peace and prosperity to Israel.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Leviticus 25 (résumé): The Sabbatical Year & The Year of Jubilee

This chapter starts by saying that every 7th year will be a year of rest for the land and the livestock. Every 7th year was a farming sabbatical.

Then it says that every 50th year will be a year of Jubilee (the year after 7 times 7 years) when all leased land was to be returned to its original owners because Canaan was divided up into sections and distributed by casting lots for each family. This Jubilee system was excellent for avoiding an accumulation of wealth by a few. The year of Jubilee was also a year of rest for farmers, land and livestock with no planting or harvesting.

The trumpets sound announcing the year of Jubilee - a year of liberty for all and a year of redemption of lost property in previous years. 

Laws concerning houses were decreed in a further example of late intromissions in the text. For some reason the rules for houses in walled cities were different to those affecting houses in non-walled villages. In walled cities if a house was sold it could be redeemed during one year, but after this year of grace the house would become the permanent property of the buyer and would not be subject to the law of return in the year of Jubilee. However in the villages the Jubilee rules apply. In the case of Levites their houses are always redeemable and are to be returned in the Jubilee. 

It then says that if a person slips into poverty then those that are better off are to help him out. They are not to sell him food for a profit or lend him money with interest. And if a poor Israelite sells himself because of his great need he should not be treat as a slave but as a hired worker to be freed in the year of Jubilee. Slave were to be bought from other nations but Israelites were not to be slaves. 

If an Israelite became impoverished and sold himself to a foreigner in Canaan he could be redeemed based on his value linked to the number of years to the next Jubilee, but if he was not redeemed he would be freed at the Jubilee. 

Christmas Day

With temperatures of a high of 37 degrees, and a low in the middle of the night of 23 degrees, dreaming of a white Christmas is just never on the cards, but it was Christmas day!

We had a nice Christmas lunch together as a family, and then gathered round the Christmas tree so that we could give our children, grandchildren, son-in-laws and girlfriends their Christmas gifts. We had a lovely time together.

I hate to have to give the news that the QPR players ate too much turkey on Christmas Day so that on Boxing Day they lost 3 x 0 in their international match against Swansea! I asked Liz to pray for QPR at half-time but she refused which didn't help. QPR have slipped down to 16th place in the Championship with this result. 😓 

I have just eaten a dish of Red Mombins which a young man, Neto, from the church brought round to us from his mother's tree. Delicious! 😋

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Leviticus 24 (résumé): Oil & Bread set before the Lord

God commanded the people to bring olive oil for the golden lampstand to be burning every evening and through the night. The priests were to light them every evening and dress them the following morning. The ensuing light was a symbol of the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Then too every sabbath 12 loaves were to be placed on the golden table for the priests. 

Then a fight broke out in which one of the men blasphemed the name of the Lord and God said to Moses that anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death. So the people took the man outside the camp and stoned him to death.

God set out the principle of lex talionis with "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" - which states that punishment should be proportionate to the offense. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Leviticus 23 (résumé): Appointed Feasts

This chapter lays out the annual religious calendar for the Israelites describing their 7 annual feasts or sacred assemblies. However the chapter starts by reminding them of the day of rest on the sabbath which is itself a day of sacred assembly.

The first annual feast is that of the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread commemorating the deliverance from Egypt. It starts at twilight on the 14th day of the first month with the Passover and on the 15th day the Feast of Unleavened Bread commences and lasts for 7 days. 

Next comes the Feast of the Sheaf of the Firstfruits when the Israelites were to bring sheafs of the firstfruits of their harvest to the priest. This Feast was interwoven with the feasts previously mentioned. The priest waves the sheaf on the day after the sabbath and then sacrifices a lamb as a burnt offering together with 4.4 litres of fine flour mixed with oil, plus a drink offering of a litre of wine.

Following this comes the Feast of Weeks also known as Pentecost, which was celebrated 50 days after the previous feast. On the 50th day the Feast of Pentecost was celebrated in mammoth style! No less than 7 lambs, 1 bull and 2 rams were offered as burnt offerings, and 1 male goat was offered as a sin offering plus 2 male lambs were offered as a peace offering making a total of 13 animals slaughtered. Pentecost was a very big feast!

Next came the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st day of the 7th month which was a holiday heralded by the blast of trumpets.

Then on the 10th day of the 7th month was the all important day of Atonement with prayer and fasting, being observed as a sabbath, when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies to sacrifice for his own sins and the sins of the people. 

Finally came the Feast of Tabernacles or booths which were temporary structures covered by the foliage of trees and bushes and in which the people stayed for the feast from the 15th day of the 7th month for 7 days to remind them of their wilderness travels. On the 1st day was a day of rest as was the 8th day and on each of the 8 days the people were to bring food offerings. 

Leviticus 22 (résumé): Further rules about holy food & sacrifices

This chapter firstly deals with how consecrated food in the tabernacle must be administered. Such food, derived from the people's sacrifices, could only be consumed by the priests their families. However if the priest bought a slave he could also partake, but if a daughter married a non-priest she would loose her right to the sacred food. Nevertheless, if she got divorced or became a childless widow and returned home to her father then she could eat again of her father's food.

It was also stressed that the priests and their families had to be ceremonially clean to be able to partake of the tabernacle's sacred food. Such uncleanliness was classified as anyone with a skin disease, a bodily discharge, had touched a corpse, had had sex, had touched creepy crawlies or eaten something found dead. Such unclean people would need to bathe and would be unclean until the evening.

In the case of someone eating sacred food whilst unclean by mistake then he must replace the consumed part plus a 20% fine. 

It was again stressed that any sacrificed animal had to be without defect. No animal which was blind, injured, had warts or sores was fit for sacrifice, but strangely a stunted or deformed cow or sheep would be alright as a freewill offering, though it would not be able to fulfill a vow. Animals were not fit for slaughter prior to being 8 days old but mother and offspring should not be killed on the same day. 


Ipueira is a small town in the state of Rio Grande do Norte where we have been trying to plant a church for over 10 years. On Monday I had an excellent meeting with Deacon Dedé (leader) and his co-worker Chico planning our action for 2025. Please pray for this work.

A road accident in Teófilo Otoni, where Peniel Chapel had the centre of their mission in years gone by, has seen 41 people killed in what constitutes the worst road accident in Brazil in 17 years!

Last night's (Christmas Eve) main Christmas service was a carol service with the Christmas play 'Jesus Cried' which I wrote. The theme of the hour-long musical play was Jesus crying in the manger, Jesus crying over Jerusalem and Jesus crying about Lazarus's death. Our drama group did very well indeed. It was an excellent performance with a powerful message.

After the service we had a traditional family Brazilian Christmas supper which was very nice. A Happy Christmas to everyone!

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Leviticus 21 (résumé): Rules for Priests

This chapter lays out the holiness standards required of priests and the high priest. Priests could only go to the wake of close relatives but the high priest could not even go to these as entering a place where there is a dead body would make him ceremonially unclean. Priests could not shave their heads, trim their beards or cut themselves when mourning. Priests could not marry divorcees or prostitutes, and if a priest's daughter got involved in prostitution she would have to be burnt alive! 

The high priest must not have his hair in a mess or wear torn clothes (signs of mourning), and he must marry a virgin. He cannot marry a divorcee, a widow or a prostitute. 

The sons of Aaron with disabilities such as those who were blind, lame, disfigured, deformed, had a crippled hand or foot, was a hunchback, dwarf, or who had an eye defect, festering or running sores, or damaged testicles, could not exercise the priesthood. They could eat food from the tabernacle but could not exercise the priesthood.  

Monday, 23 December 2024

Leviticus 20 (résumé): Punishments for Sin

God said to Moses that any Israelite, or any foreigner living in Israel, must be stoned to death by the community if they sacrifice any of their children to the Canaanite god Molech. God would also excommunicate anyone who failed to report any such practice. People who resort to mediums and spiritists will also be excommunicated. The chapter then goes on to say:

If anyone curses his parents they must be put to death. So too if a man commits adultery with another man's wife both of them must die. If a man has sex with his father's wife both of them must be killed. So too if a man has sex with his daughter-in-law both must die. Those practicing homosexual sex will also be put to death but if a man marries a woman and her mother then they shall be burnt alive! Anyone who has sex with an animal must be put to death and the animal must have the same fate! (a bit hard on the animal!)

If a man has sex with his sister they will be excommunicated, and so too excommunication will be applied to a couple who have sex whilst the woman has a period. Sex was also banned with an aunt as was sex between a man and his sister-in-law. The chapter draws to an end stressing that Israelites are required to be people set apart from the customs of other nations and must touch nothing unclean, seeking to be holy as God is holy, and stoning to death anyone who is a medium or a spiritist.

Leviticus 19 (résumé): A variety of Laws

This chapter starts by exhorting the people to be holy as the Lord is holy, before giving examples of how this could be done. It starts by requiring respect for parents and the need for sabbath day observance before going on to say: do not practice idolatry, carry out the fellowship/peace offering correctly, at harvest time leave the left-overs for the poor, don't steal, don't lie, don't deceive, don't swear by God's name, don't defraud, don't hold back workers' wages, don't ill-treat the deaf and blind, don't pervert justice, don't spread malicious gossip, don't endanger your neighbour's life, don't hate your brother, rebuke your neighbour frankly, don't harbour grudges but love your neighbour as yourself, don't interbreed different races of cattle, don't plant two crops in the same field, and don't wear clothes made from two kinds of material. 

If a man has sex with a slave girl engaged to another man he must be punished and must offer a ram as a guilt offering. Newly planted fruit trees must only be picked in the 4th year and given to God, and then the fruit can be the owner's from the 5th year onwards.

It was also stressed to not eat meat with blood in it, don't practice divination or sorcery, don't cut your hair on the sides of your head or trim your beard, don't carry out pagan mourning practices like cutting the body or tattooing yourself, don't make your daughter a prostitute, observe the sabbath and reverence God's house, don't resort to mediums or spiritists, stand up for the aged and respect the elderly, treat foreigners kindly, and use honest scales and measurements. These are God's decrees for his people to follow.

Leviticus 18 (résumé): Unlawful sex

This chapter gives a list of unlawful sexual relations as practiced by Egyptians and Canaanites but banned for Israelites. The list starts by prohibiting sex with close relatives and then says: do not have sex with your mother, do not have sex with your father's wife, do not have sex with your sister, do not have sex with your granddaughter, do not have sex with your niece, do not have sex with your aunt, do not have sex with your daughter-in-law, do not have sex with your sister-in-law, do not have sex with both a woman and her daughter, do not take your sister-in-law as a rival wife, do not have sex with a woman who has a period, do not have sex with your neighbour's wife, do not sacrifice your children, do not have same-sex relations, and do not have sex with animals. Anyone who practices these things will be excommunicated. 

Leviticus 17 (résumé): Eating blood forbidden

Some of the Israelites were offering sacrifices to goat idols or demons so God prohibited sacrifices outside the tabernacle which would be punishable by excommunication. The same punishment would be given to those who eat blood. Any hunted game must have its blood drained and then covered by earth. And anyone who eats an animal killed or torn by a wild animal must wash his clothes and bathe being unclean until the evening. 

Leviticus 16 (résumé): The Day of Atonement

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was to be celebrated with a fasting holiday, on the 10th day of the 7th month, and it was to be an annual atonement for the sins of the people. The sacrifices and ceremony were to be carried out by Aaron the high priest, though it was stressed that he needed to be very cautious about how and when he entered in to the Holy of Holies. 

First of all on this day Aaron was to bring a bull, a ram and 2 male goats, and wash himself prior to dressing with his full priestly regalia. He was then to sacrifice the bull for his sin and that of his household. He would then cast lots over the 2 goats resulting in one being sacrificed as a sin offering and the other being released as a scapegoat. Aaron was to take burning coals before the Lord, put incense on the fire and sprinkle the bull's blood seven times before the atonement cover.

Aaron shall then atone for the Holy of Holies and the Tabernacle using the goat's blood and in so doing he will atone for himself, his household and the whole community of Israel. He will then lay both hands on the head of the live goat before sending it into the desert where it will symbolically carry everyone's sin.

New Worker

Please pray for a young man at our Campina Grande Bible College called Guilherme Santos who is stepping out in faith on a trip to Itaporanga helping the local pastor there. May the Lord bless and use him.

QPR beat Preston North End at home, coming from behind to win 2 x 1. This means we have rocketed up to 14th spot in the Championship out of 24! Happy Christmas! 😃

A terrible thing happened on Saturday in our state capital Joao Pessoa on the coast. A nanny threw the 2-year-old girl she was supposed to be caring for off a very high block of flats and then threw herself.

On Saturday evening the Green Pastures church held a joyful end-of-year fellowship party with over 40 people present. The sisters organized a lovely barbecue for everyone and they all really enjoyed it.

Yesterday morning I had the joy of baptizing 10 people together with my co-pastor Rafael. The service was held at Green Pastures and was followed by a lovely fellowship breakfast for the over 100 people present. The 10 baptized were received into fellowship in the evening service in Patos.

Last night's nativity play in our main Sunday service was lovely. Of special joy for us was to see our granddaughter Amanda as the star of Bethlehem. She did very well as did all the children. The play was followed by an excellent Christmas message from Bible College graduate Murilo. It was a very good service.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Christmas Hampers

Yesterday morning Liz and I went to the extremely poor borough of Patos called Serrote Liso where we distributed lots of Christmas Hampers to the very poor. It was as always a very moving morning and just goes to show how we should always say grace when we eat because we don't know how the other half survives! We gave a hamper to a beautiful 15-year-old mother and her 5 month old little boy. We gave hampers to people who live in mud huts and consider themselves well off if they have a donkey or even have the "luxury" of having a cart too! We gave a hamper to a young couple who are backslidden and have been to our church. They were blessed by their hamper and promised to be in church tomorrow. Please pray for them to come back to the Lord.

Yesterday afternoon Liz and I had an excellent online meeting with Deputy Leader Pastor Wostenes and his wife Gleydice. It was a very productive and blessed meeting.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Leviticus 15 (résumé): Discharges that cause uncleanness

In this chapter it says that male discharges render a man unclean. Many commentators identify the problem here as gonorrhea and anywhere the man lies or sits will become unclean, and just touching such locations would render the person as unclean. In that case the contaminated person would need to wash his clothes and bathe, and he or she would be classified as unclean until the evening. A similar cleansing process would be necessary if someone touches the man with a discharge or if he spits on someone. If the unclean man just touches a clay pot then it has to be broken! But when the man is cured of his discharge he goes through seven days of ceremonial cleansing, washes his clothes and bathes before taking 2 doves or pigeons to the priest as sacrifices.

When a man has an emission of semen he must bathe his whole body and he will remain unclean until the evening. The same applies to a couple that have sex.

In the case of a woman's menstruation she will be classed as unclean for 7 days and anyone that just touches her will be unclean until the evening. Where she lies or sits will be unclean and anyone that touches such objects will be unclean until evening. If a couple have sex when the woman has a period then the man will be unclean for a week.

In the case of a woman having a discharge other than menstruation the woman will be unclean for as long as it continues, and once cured she will offer 2 doves/pigeons as sacrificial atonement. 

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Leviticus 14 (résumé): Cleansing from infectious skin diseases

If a person is reported to have recovered from their skin disease then a priest should go outside the camp to check. With the person's cure confirmed the priest will require 2 live birds together with cedar wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop so as to confirm the cleansing. The priest will kill one bird over fresh water and dip the other bird and other ingredients in the dead bird's blood. The priest will then sprinkle the blood mixture on the cured person 7 times, pronouncing him clean, and release the live bird into the wild. Then the person shaves off all his hair, washes his clothes and bathes, but stays outside of his tent for 7 days.

On the 8th day he must go to the tabernacle taking 2 male lambs and 1 ewe lamb, together with fine flour and oil, to offer as sacrifices before God. The priest should put some blood from the guilt offering on the right ear, right thumb and right big toe of the person being cleansed, before putting oil on the person in the same places. If the person is poor their cleansing sacrifices can be replaced with one lamb plus 2 doves or pigeons. Their sacrifices will make atonement before the Lord on behalf of the one being cleansed.

Finally the cleansing of dreaded mildew is prescribed when a priest goes to an affected house for inspection. If he sees that the mildew is greenish and reddish going deep then he will have the house shut up for 7 days. He then will re-inspect and scrape and remove stones as necessary (this is clearly a later addition to the text as the Israelites were living in tents) but if this doesn't fix it the house is unclean and must be destroyed. However if a house clears up the mildew returning it to normal and clean then the same 2-bird ritual will be carried out as a cleansing right seen earlier in the chapter, killing one bird and releasing the other one into the wild. It is a beautiful symbol of freedom and new life away from uncleanliness. 

Leviticus 13 (résumé): Regulations about Infectious Skin Diseases

At the time that Leviticus was written the matter of skin diseases was clearly a great concern as can be seen by the dedication of two long chapters to them. I am sure dermatologists must be delighted. It is also interesting to note that it is the priests who coordinate the skin disease control. It was previously mistakenly thought that this chapter was a discussion of leprosy as can be seen in older translations such as that of Almeida Revista e Atualizada in Portuguese. However as G. J. Wenham points out this is incorrect, as the more modern translations reflect such as NIV. So in this chapter 21 different cases of skin diseases are distinguished as are 3 cases of "diseased" garments with mildew. 

So it was that if anyone had symptoms of skin problems they were to present themselves to the priest who was to examine them and if the hair in the sore had turned white, and the sore was more than skin deep, then the patient would be declared ceremonially unclean and he would be put in isolation. He would have to wear torn clothes, let his hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of his face, cry out unclean and live outside the camp.

However, if the diagnosis was dubious then the patient would be put in quarantine for two weeks and kept under observation every 7 days.

Thus the chapter proceeds to give instructions on how to examine a swollen sore, a boil, a burn, sores in the head, raw flesh, bright spots, skin conditions causing hair loss, itchy diseased skin etc. so as to determine whether the condition is more serious requiring the diagnosis of unclean or not. And when the skin condition cleared up the person could be re-examined by the priest and declared clean again and return to normal life.

Attached to the question of skin disease the latter part of the chapter discusses the problem of mildew which is a mold-like fungus. Quite why the link between skin disease and fungus I don't know, but the concern was about mildew on clothes and leather articles. This matter was also adjudicated by the priest and contaminated articles were defined as unclean and had to be burnt.

School Christmas Service

On Tuesday evening we held our Christmas service at the Pastor Frank Dyer School in the borough of Jatobá on the south side of Patos. The service was held in the street in front of the school as we have nowhere else to fit such a crowd of children and their parents. There were different presentations from classes of children such as a poem, songs, dance etc. It all went off beautifully. At the end head-teacher Gerlania led the giving of presents to the children and served up a snack to them all. We praise God for our Patos school which this year won top place in Patos once again.  

I have finished reading the book 'The Covent Garden Murder' written by my good friend Mike Hollow. As always it was a very good read. This was book number 8 in his Blitz Detective series and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all, find them very relaxing and highly recommend them. Mike might like to learn that I once sang on the Covent Garden Opera House stage when I was a teenager back in the 1960s, so that's the nearest I'll ever get into one of his books! What about a murder in Portobello Road Mike? That would really be my neck of the woods!

Every morning I read the 'Folha de São Paulo' newspaper, which I subscribe to on line for my Brazilian news. I also enjoy watching the commentaries by Brazilian journalist Reinaldo Azevedo on Instagram. For international news I depend on the twice daily BBC news briefing updates. 

Liz went to the Women's Fellowship's end-of-year party last night which went off very nicely she tells me. Parallel to this our Drama group had their end-of-year party too.

3 were baptized at the weekend at our Princesa Isabel church. Praise God!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Leviticus 12 (résumé): Purification after Childbirth

This short chapter of just 8 verses again transmits contrasting cultural concepts difficult to handle in our day and age. For if a woman gives birth to a son she will be considered ceremonially unclean for 7 days plus an extra 33 days before she can go to church (tabernacle). However if she has a daughter then she will be unclean for an initial 14 days plus an extra 66 days before she can go to church (tabernacle)! This chapter also makes it quite clear that the normal woman's monthly period was considered to be a time of impurity.

When the mother's period of purification was completed (7 + 33 days in the case of a boy or 14 + 66 days in the case of a girl) then the mother needed to offer sacrifices at the tabernacle of a lamb plus a pigeon or dove, but if she was poor she could offer just 2 pigeons or doves. 

Leviticus 11 (résumé): Clean & Unclean Food

This is a chapter that at times makes strange reading being from a culture separated by millenniums. Upon defining clean and unclean animals the defining factors were its hoofs and its digestive system. For if an animal had a split hoof and chewed the cud it was deemed eatable, but if it only came under one of these categories, such as the coney, rabbit or pig, then it was classed as unclean.

In the case of aquatic creatures the defining factors were fins and scales so that any creature without these was defined as detestable. 

Understandably birds of prey and scavengers were classed as unclean such as eagles, vultures, kites, owls, cormorant, osprey, hawks, stork, heron, hoopoe and bat.

I personally would not be partial to eating insects, but locusts, crickets and grasshoppers were said to be alright to eat, whereas other winged insects with 4 legs were taboo. 

In all the cases of unclean creatures even contact with their carcasses rendered the person unclean until the evening and they had to wash their clothes. 

Animals that move close to the ground were also deemed unclean such as the weasel, rat, mouse, lizards and chameleon, as were creatures that moved on their bellies such as snakes and worms. 

God therefore requested strict obedience to this food code because the Israelites had to be holy as God is holy. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Leviticus 10 (résumé): The Death of Nadab & Abihu

Aaron's elder sons Nadab and Abihu went into the tabernacle and offered an incense offering before God, but in some way they introduced fire in the wrong way which infuriated God and cost them their lives. The details of the exact nature of this sin are not clear, but the message of the utter ruthlessness of God's holiness is only too transparent.  Aaron and his remaining sons Eleazar and Ithamar were prohibited from mourning and they were also prohibited from consuming fermented drink when they were going to enter the tabernacle. As priests they had to set a clear example of holiness and teach all the decrees of the Lord.

Moses reminded Aaron and his sons to carry out their duties as decreed by God because he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar for not having eaten as required the meat from the sin offering, but Aaron explained that they had omitted this under the sad circumstances of the day, and Moses accepted this explanation. 

Leviticus 9 (résumé): The Priests begin their Ministry

After the priests had completed their 7 days of ordination they started out into their ministry. Aaron brought a bull calf as a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering, and the people brought a male goat as a sin offering, a calf and a lamb as a burnt offering, and a cow and a ram as a fellowship/peace offering.

Aaron and his sons first of all sacrificed their animals before the Lord, put the blood on the horns of the altar and burnt them as appropriate. They then did the same with the people's sin, burnt and grain offerings, prior to slaughtering the cow and ram as the fellowship/peace offering. Aaron then waved the breasts before the Lord as a wave offering.

After all the sacrifices were completed Aaron stepped outside where the people were gathered and blessed them. Then Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle and when they came out there was an intense sense of the presence of the Lord and the glory of God appeared to all the people. Fire came down from God and consumed the burnt offering on the altar and the people shouted for joy and bowed down before God.

Leviticus 8 (résumé): The Ordination of Aaron & his Sons

 God told Moses to gather all the Israelites in front of the tabernacle and prepare to ordain Aaron and his sons, bringing a bull, 2 rams and a basket of bread ready for the ceremony. Then Moses washed Aaron and his sons before dressing Aaron with the full high priestly regalia. 

Then Moses anointed the tabernacle and everything in it and anointed Aaron too representing the Holy Spirit giving power for service. He also brought Aaron's sons forward and dressed them with tunics, sashes and headbands. 

Aaron and his sons then put their hands on the bulls head before slaughtering it as a sin offering, and put some of its blood on the horns of the altar. They then burnt the kidneys, liver and fat on the altar before burning the rest of the bull outside the camp.

Aaron and his sons then put their hands on one of the ram's heads before killing it and sprinkling its blood on the altar. He then burnt the ram as a burnt offering unto the Lord. 

Moses then took the other ram to offer it as the ordination sacrifice and Aaron and his sons put their hands on its head before Moses killed it. He put some of the animal's blood on the right ear lobes of Aaron and his son's, plus on their right thumbs and right big toes! Then they waved parts of this ram as a wave offering to God before burning it on the altar.

Then Moses anointed Aaron and his sons and consecrated them to the priestly ministry. They then cooked the outstanding meat and ate it with the bread, and they remained in the tabernacle for 7 days of consecration. 


Sunday night's service was wonderful with a 40-person choir from our Campina Grande Catolé church singing an outstanding 45-minute cantata called 'An Unforgettable Christmas'. It was a real blessing. We rented a coach to bring them and fed them with hot dogs and mousse after the service before they headed home. I led the service and I preached after the cantata. It was a great night.

We have a large green lizard called an Iguana, about half a metre long, living in our garden in Patos and it deposits its poop every night beside the right hand back wheel of the Kombi!

I had my hair cut yesterday for Christmas. I hope you like it! 😇

Last night we had our church council end of year party together with the different church ministries' leaders. We did a special commemoration of our most senior deaconess Beatriz who at 89 is a credit to the Gospel. We all ate pizza together, had long chats and fun, ending in prayer. It was a lovely night of fellowship. At the end of our evening, when most of the 20 present had gone, a poor middle-aged lady came up to me and asked me if I was going to take the left-over slices of pizza home with me? When I told her she could have them I thought she was going to kiss and hug me! It was lovely to round the night off giving someone in great need a little Christmas present. 

Monday, 16 December 2024

Leviticus 7 (résumé): Regulations for different Offerings

This chapter starts by presenting regulations for the guilt offering stating that the animal's blood was to be sprinkled on all sides of the altar and all the fat was to be burnt. The priest may keep the hide and eat the meat with the other priests in the holy place. A part of a grain offering would be kept by the offering priest and if flour was brought as a grain offering the priest's part would be shared by all of Aaron's sons.

In the case of fellowship or peace offerings expressing thankfulness the animal to be sacrificed should be brought together with bread, wafers or cakes made without yeast mixed with oil. The meat should be eaten on the day of the sacrifice. However if the offering is the result of a vow or is a freewill offering then in this case the meat can be eaten up to the day following the sacrifice. The fellowship/peace offering could not come into contact with anything or person unclean. 

It was stressed that nobody should eat fat (a very healthy recommendation) nor blood. Anyone consuming blood would be excommunicated, banished and ostracized. 

The person offering an animal as a fellowship/peace offering should separate the fat, breast and thighs. He should burn the fat, wave the breast as a wave offering before the Lord and then give it to the priest, and following this he should give the right thigh to the priest too.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Honorary Citizen

On Friday Liz and I travelled up the Teixeira Mountain to Matureia for a ceremony at the town council to receive honorary citizenship. The council even had the town's band to play for us! Our local pastor Renilson and his wife Getiane were there with us and they received an award also for their service to Matureia. We were all served a tasty snack after the ceremony. This means I now have received honorary citizenships from 5 towns: Patos, Imaculada, São Mamede, Manaira and Matureia. I also received honorary citizenship of the whole State of Paraíba back in 2004. All glory be to God! It is a joy to serve God and one's fellow man. 

We have just dispatched some Christmas hampers through a lady called Florzinha who runs a donkey cart delivery service with a donkey called Popeye! Liz and Florzinha are good friends and they work together to discreetly reach the poorest of the poor. Pastor Nemias at our Flores church has also been distributing Christmas hampers. 

I have just eaten a custard apple which was utterly delicious. 😋

QPR have extended their unbeaten run to 6 games with a 1 x 1 draw away at Bristol City.

Yesterday was our daughter Lynn's birthday so Liz cooked sweet and sour chicken for her for her lunch.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Leviticus 6 (résumé): Guilt, Burnt, Grain and Sin Offerings

This chapter starts by adding instructions for guilt offerings in the case of theft, deception, cheating, lying and false oaths. In such cases restitution must occur, plus 20%, on the day of the guilt offering, which should be a ram without defect, and which will lead to the offender's forgiveness. 

Then come further instructions concerning the burnt offering and it is stressed 5 times that the fire must be perpetual and must never go out. (full of spiritual implications for us) Animals burnt on the bronze altar were to burn all night and then the ashes were to be disposed of outside the camp in a ceremonially clean location. 

This is followed by regulations of grain offerings when a handful of fine flour would be burnt and the rest of the offering be kept by the priest to be eaten as baked yeast-free bread. 

On the day Aaron was anointed high priest he and his priestly sons were to offer about 200 ml of fine flour as a grain offering with half in the morning and half in the evening. This offering was to be prepared by the son chosen to eventually succeed Aaron as high priest, and the offering was to be completely burnt with nothing eaten.

In the case of sin offerings the priests who sacrifice the animal should eat the meat in the tabernacle's courtyard. If it was cooked in a clay pot this should subsequently be broken, but in the case of a bronze pot it should be washed.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Leviticus 5 (résumé): Dealing with Sin & Guilt

This chapter helps the Israelite to handle guilt, sin and the question of restitution. It says that if a person sins by failing to testify about a wrongdoing that he witnessed, or by touching unclean things even though he does so unknowingly, or by thoughtlessly swearing to do something, then he was to bring a female lamb or goat to the priest as an atoning sin offering. 

However if the person couldn't afford a sheep or goat he was to bring 2 doves or 2 young pigeons. The priest would wring one bird's neck as a sin offering and then burn the other one as a burnt offering.

But if the person could not even afford this then he should bring fine flour as his sin offering and the priest would burn a small part of it and keep the rest.

However in the case of unintentional sin which affects God's holy things, such as the withholding of tithes, offerings, firstlings etc. then the sinner must bring a ram as a guilt offering. He must also make restitution for his mistake adding 20% to its value and give it to the priest.

President Lula

Brazilian President Lula is in hospital recovering from surgery to remove a brain clot, resultant from a fall he had whilst cutting his toe nails on the 19th of October.

QPR have beaten Oxford at home 2 x 0 to take their unbeaten run to 5 matches. This means we have soared to 19th place in the Championship! 😀

This coming Sunday I will be preaching about the faith of the Christmas figures (Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise Men) and we will have the choir from our Campina Grande Catolé church singing a Christmas cantata. 

Today we will be travelling up the mountain to Matureia where I will be receiving the 'Freedom of the Town' and 'Honorary Citizenship of Matureia' from the town council, in recognition of the work I have done there. All glory be to God!

Last night I led the mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study and assistant pastor Rafael brought the study starting in the book of Micah with the first 2 verses. It was a good service.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Leviticus 4 (résumé): The Sin Offering

This chapter contains instructions concerning the atonement for unintentional sin practiced by the following categories of Israelites:

First of all in the case of a priest sinning he should sacrifice a young bull without defect, lay his hand on its head and slaughter it at the entrance to the tabernacle. He should then dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of it 7 times in front of the curtain of the sanctuary, put blood on the horns of the altar of incense and pour the rest at the base of the altar of burnt offering. He shall then burn the fat of the kidneys, liver and loins on the altar of burnt offering before burning the rest outside of the camp.

Similarly in the case of the nation of Israel sinning a young bull should be brought to the tabernacle and all the elders of Israel should put their hand on its head prior to its slaughter. The same ritual as previous would then ensue. 

In the case of a leader of Israel sinning he would need to bring a male goat as a sacrifice and would need to follow the same ritual as previously prescribed for the priest and nation. 

In the case of a common Israelite citizen they should bring as a sacrifice a female sheep or goat and then follow the same ritual as previously prescribed.

Leviticus 3 (résumé):The Peace or Fellowship Offering

There is no consensus amongst theologians on the correct meaning of this offering which can either be translated 'peace' or 'fellowship' offering. It would seem to be a sacrifice for peace (shalom) and fellowship with God and one's fellow man, who would be present to eat the resultant barbecue with the one offering the sacrifice.

The sacrifice could either be a bull, cow, sheep or goat without defect. The owner would put his hand on the animal's head prior to slaughtering it at the entrance to the tabernacle and then its blood would be sprinkled on the sides of the altar. Following this the fat around the kidneys, liver and loins would be burnt on the altar. All the fat is the Lord's. As I understand it this ritual would then be followed by a good 'fellowship' barbecue with the sacrifice's proponent's invited guests and families. (See further G. J. Wenham further on this)

Leviticus 2 (résumé): The Grain Offering

As well as animal offerings (seen in the last chapter) grain offerings were also acceptable to God as a way of showing gratitude to him. These offerings were also a way to support and feed the priests and their families. Grain offerings could be made of fine flour mixed with oil and incense. A smaller part of the offering would be burnt on the altar by the priests and then the major part of the offering would belong to the priests.

Alternatively a grain offering could be made by baking a cake or wafer in an oven using oil but no yeast. In similar fashion cooking could be done on a griddle or in a pan and the priest would burn a smaller part of the cake on the altar prior to keeping the rest for himself. It was stressed not to use yeast or honey in the offering, but to add salt. 

Furthermore you could offer a grain offering with the first fruits from the harvest offering crushed heads of new grain roasted on the fire. 

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Leviticus 1 (résumé): The Burnt Offering

The book of Leviticus commences with instructions on how to carry out sacrifices as offerings unto God in the tabernacle. The somewhat gruesome slaughtering of bulls, sheep, goats, doves or pigeons stands in stark contrast with the gentle peaceful life of Christians in Christ, who with his death on the cross paid the definitive supreme sacrifice for the sin of the world.

First God instructs Moses on how to offer the sacrifice of a bull without defect as a burnt offering. The priest would place his hand on the bull's head before killing it as a symbol of identification so that the sacrifice would make an atonement for him. The animal would then be killed and its blood be sprinkled on the altar, prior to skinning it, cutting it in pieces and then burning it all on the altar as a sacrifice to God.

Then follows similar instructions for the sacrifice of sheep or goats though such sacrifices curiously had to be carried out at the north side of the altar. The animal's blood was sprinkled on the altar, then the animal was cut in pieces and burnt on the altar producing, as with the bulls and birds, a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

In the case of bird sacrifices these could either be doves or young pigeons. The priest should wring off the bird's head and drain off its blood on the side of the altar, removing the crop which should be thrown on the east side of the altar, and tearing the bird open by the wings before burning it on the altar.

Southern Wren

 As I sit here working in my office I can hear the song of the Southern Wren just outside the window, from the bushes in our garden called 'Rainha do Prado'. 

At the weekend 1 man was baptized at our Vazante church. Pastor Nezinho Abílio couldn't conduct the baptism because he has his arm in a sling following his motorbike accident. At our Campina Grande Catolé church 12 were baptized. 2 of these were adolescent sons of church members who are autistic. At our Imaculada church 5 were baptized.

I am very happy to have finished my résumé of the book of Exodus completing its 40 chapters with the inauguration of the tabernacle. This means I am keeping up my average of over a chapter a day. Now here we go to Leviticus!

I have had an excellent meeting with our projects leaders Pastor Lindon Carlos (Imaculada) and Social Worker Marah Danielle (Patos) planning for wells, toilet/shower units, 4-Legs, market gardens and chicken runs in 2025. We value your prayers.

Last night we went to a flat-warming and birthday party at our granddaughter Louisa and her husband Tiago's new flat. On the 9th was Tiago's birthday and today is Louisa's birthday. It was a lovely evening.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Exodus 40 (résumé): Setting up the Tabernacle

On the first day of the first month of the second year God told Moses to set up the tabernacle. They placed the ark of the covenant in its rightful place in the tabernacle together with the table, the lampstand, the altar of incense, the basin on its stand and the altar of burnt offering. They placed all the curtains as the Lord had instructed and placed all the coverings over the tabernacle. They dressed Aaron and his sons in their priestly attire, washed them and anointed them consecrating them as priests. They set everything up as it should be and anointed everything. The altar of incense burned fragrant incense on it and on the altar of burnt offering they offered burnt offerings and grain offerings. And so Moses finished the work.

Then the cloud covered the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filled the place making it impossible for Moses to enter owing to the overpowering presence of God. Thus the cloud was over the tabernacle by day and a cloud of fire was there by night, and the Israelites only moved on in their journey to Canaan's land when the cloud moved.

Exodus 39 (résumé): The Priestly Garments

Now they made the priestly garments of woven yarn. They made the ephod (an apron or vestment) made of yarn and linen interwoven with strands of gold. 2 onyx stones were attached to the shoulder parts of the ephod with gold settings, and engraved on these were the names of the tribes of Israel.

Then they made the breastpiece, which was attached to the ephod with gold cords, and it had 12 precious stones mounted in gold with each engraved with the name of a tribe of Israel. 

A blue robe was then made for the priest, with yarn and linen pomegranates around the hem alternated with gold bells. A turban was made and a gold plate was attached to it with the inscription HOLY TO THE LORD.

So the work of the tabernacle was completed and everything had been done as God had commanded. Moses inspected everything, approved it all and blessed the people for their good work. 

Exodus 38 (résumé): Altar of Burnt Offering & Courtyard

They built the Altar of Burnt Offering out of Acacia wood overlaid with bronze, measuring 1.3 metres high and 2.3 metres square, and with bronze horns on each corner. All the utensils were made of bronze as well as the rings for carrying, with the carrying poles made of wood overlaid with bronze. They then made a bronze basin and stand using the molten mirrors of the women! (There must be a spiritual message here!)

Next the Courtyard was made measuring 46 metres on the north and south sides (having 20 bronze pillars on each side) and measuring 23 metres on the east and west sides (having 10 bronze pillars on each side). The curtains were made of fine twisted linen and their hooks and bands were made of silver, but all the tent pegs were made of bronze.

An overall inventory of the materials used for the Tabernacle showed that a little over 1 ton of gold was used, with contributions from 603,550 men. 3.4 tons of silver were also used as were 2.4 tons of bronze. 

Exodus 37 (résumé): Ark, Table, Lampstand & Altar of Incense

Bezalel made the Ark of the Covenant out of Acacia wood measuring 1.1 metres long and 0.7 metres wide and high, and overlaid it with pure gold. He then made the atonement cover of pure gold with gold cherubins at the ends of the cover and whose wings spread across the ark and touched in the middle.

Then a table was made of acacia wood measuring 0.9 metres long, 0.5 metres wide and 0.7 metres high. It was all overlaid with gold including the attached rings and poles, and plates, ladles, bowls and pitchers were made of gold for drink offerings.

Next the Lampstand was made out of one block of solid gold weighing 34 kilos! It had a central branch with 3 sub-branches on each side having cups like almond flowers on each. The central shaft also had 4 cups like almond flowers. 

Then came the square wooden Altar of Incense covered with gold, with golden horns on each corner, plus poles and rods covered in gold. Then a perfumer made sacred anointing oil and pure fragrant incense.

Exodus 36 (résumé): The Tabernacle

Bezalel, Oholiab and all the skilled craftsmen commenced on the big job of artistically creating the tabernacle and the people continued to donate for this. Eventually they had to halt donations because by that time they had more than enough materials.

The construction of the tabernacle started with making the doors, partitions and frames made from Acacia wood. This took place approximately 4 to 6 months after the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt, and the tabernacle was completed about a year after the exodus. What is impressive are the artistic details like the cherubins embroidered into the curtains, the wood covered with gold, silver bases for the frames, the bronze basin with its stand, onyx stones and gems set into the priest's ephod and breastplate etc. God's dwelling place had to be perfect and was full of class, quality, art and beauty.

Exodus 35 (résumé): Materials for the Tabernacle

Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and reminded them all never to work on the sabbath, not even was it permitted to light a fire, and the punishment for disobedience was death! 

Moses then made an appeal for donations of jewellery and materials from the people for the making of the tabernacle because they needed gold, silver, bronze, yarn, linen, goats hair, ram skins, sea cow hides, acacia wood, oil, incense and precious stones. They also needed skilled craftsmen to make the tabernacle, its curtains, furniture, and clothing, under the coordination of Bezalel and Oholiab who would be their spirit filled leaders in this work. The Israelites gave generously for this cause both from their possessions and from their skills.

Glorious QPR

On Saturday afternoon, in stormy conditions, QPR managed their first home victory of the season 3 x 0 against Norwich, taking us out of the relegation zone and up to 20th out of 24 in the Championship. This was our first home victory of the season (in December!) and our 4th game on the run without defeat. 😅

I always see Humming Birds visiting the flowers in our front garden. The species we see are the Glittering-bellied Emerald and the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird. I never tire of watching them.

On Saturday night I went and took the service at Green Pastures with Marina and Davi leading the worship, Isaac, Josué, Paulo Silas, Dodora and Fabrícia taking part and Ray bringing a word from Luke 22. It was a nice service despite numbers being down owing to a fine drizzle falling.

Last night I led the Bible Day service in Patos and our daughter and Bible college student Sacha preached an excellent sermon from Psalm 19. It was a blessed service.

Over the weekend it rained 6 mm and then 5 mm at Green Pastures.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Exodus 34 (résumé): The New Stone Tablets

Moses went up Mount Sinai to meet with God again carrying with him stone tablets to replace the ones with the law which he had broken, and Moses stayed there a long time without eating or drinking. There God renewed his covenant with Israel and ordered them to not make treaties with incumbent nations when they reached Canaan but instead destroy all their pagan idolatrous sites.  The Israelites should celebrate their festivals to the Lord with the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Ingathering. They should also keep the Sabbath. When Moses came down the mountain carrying the 2 tablets of the Testimony his face shone from the glory of God so that the people were afraid to approach him. Moses put on a veil when he had finished speaking to the people.    

Exodus 33 (résumé): The Tent of Meeting

God told Moses that it was time for the Israelites to leave Mount Sinai and start heading for Canaan, where an angel would drive out the native peoples so that the Israelites could take over as he had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However God said he would not go with them as they were a stiff-necked people prone to serious sin. This saddened the Israelites and they wore no jewellery as a sign of repentance.

Moses had a special tent of meeting outside the camp where he met with God face to face as a man speaks with his friend. Moses asked God to teach him his ways and God said he would go with the Israelites as Moses had requested. We again see God changing his mind as a result of Moses's intercession. Moses also asked to see God's glory to which God partially agreed though he couldn't see his face as that would be lethal. God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock from where Moses could see his back but not his face.

Extreme poverty reduction

The Brazilian census (IBGE) shows that in 2023 Brazilians in poverty fell below 30% (27.4%) for the first time and those in extreme poverty fell below 5% (4.4%) for the first time too. We rejoice with this improvement which is what EAB/ACEV works for in the name of Jesus.

I have just eaten a Custard Apple for my mid-morning snack which was delicious. I only eat fresh fruit for breakfast and in the mornings.

I had a good 3 km walk at Green Pastures under a little rain. I saw 6 wild tortoises out in the rain with a couple mating. I saw lots of birds: Southern Lapwing, Roadside Hawk, Pied-billed Grebe, Great Egret, Pileated Finch, Tropical Gnatcatcher, Caatinga Cacholote, White-tipped Dove, Solitary Black Cacique and Campo Troupial. (You can Google these English names to see them)

Please pray for Pastor Nezinho Abílio who has had a motorbike accident and fractured a collar bone and a shoulder blade. He is the pastor of 4 churches: Diamante, Barra de Oitis, Mata de Oitis and Vazante.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Exodus 32 (résumé): The Golden Calf

This chapter contains some amazing things such as the fickleness of the Israelites faith, including that of the future high priest Aaron, and the lethalness of the judgement of God upon the sin of his people.

The Israelites got fed up with waiting for Moses, who was up Mount Sinai receiving the law from God, and which took a long time. 40 days and 40 nights (Exodus 24:18) is not to be taken literally but is an idiomatic expression meaning a long time. So the people got Aaron to make a calf from the women's gold jewellery, he made an altar in front of it, and the people worshipped it as their deliverer from Egypt! God was furious when he saw this and decided to destroy the Israelites, but Moses interceded, reminded God of his covenant (which the people had broken!) and God changed his mind. When Moses came down the mountain and saw what his brother and the people had done he threw the tablets of the law to the ground and smashed them to smithereens, and asked Aaron what had got into him? So Moses asked the people who was on the Lord's side and the Levites said they were. Then Moses equipped them with swords and they went round the camp killing a total of 3,000 people and God struck the people with a plague. 

End-of-year party

On Tuesday I went to the men's fellowship's end-of-year party held at the Coreto 2 open-air restaurant where 20 of us ate pizza together, chatted and played a game of Bingo which well-driller Caetano won. At the end we prayed together. Another nice shower of rain fell whilst we were in the restaurant.

Our amazing grandson Arthur has booked flights for another of his international trips in 2025. 23-year-old Arthur is a qualified lawyer and has already visited Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Brasília, Fernando de Noronha and Goiania in Brazil and made international visits to Wales, Scotland, England (various times), Portugal, USA (Florida, New York and Los Angeles next year), Bahamas, Chile, Italy, Vatican, Greece, France, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Spain and Morocco. Now he is scheduled to visit Japan next year via Peru, Panama and the USA, with the possibility of adding South Korea to the schedule if things calm down there. Congratulations Arthur on your amazing world vision for life and for your solid commitment to Christ in the process.

Yesterday we had hailstones at Green Pastures which fascinated the people because they had never seen them before! It rained 15 mm which was good.

Last night I led a lovely Christmas service at the senior citizens' condominium where there are 40 chalets in which 60+ folk live. It was a blessed evening with a variety of folk from the church telling what Christmas means to them, and Pastor Rafael brought a word from Luke 2. Sacha led the praise with a mixture of carols and regular songs. We gave the residents a little gift each at the end. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Exodus 31 (résumé): Bezalel & Oholiab

God appointed Bezalel and Oholiab to be the chief artisans responsible for the creation and manufacture of the entire Tabernacle and all its different elements. God especially gifted these men in design and craftmanship and filled them with his spirit to do the task.

Then the Lord strictly instructed the Israelites to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, following the divine creation pattern, and failure to respect the Sabbath would be punishable by death. The Sabbath was to be holy to the Lord.

When God finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai he gave him the tablets of the law inscribed by his own finger and these were put in the ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Exodus 30 (résumé): The Altar of Incense & the Bronze Basin

God instructed Moses to make an altar of incense of wood covered by gold on which was to be burnt incense (representing the prayers of the people) morning and evening. This altar, 0.5 metres square and 0.9 metres high, was to be placed in the tabernacle in front of the curtain which separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. Once a year Aaron was to make atonement on this altar.

God then said that when he carried out censuses everyone from 20 years old upwards should pay half a shekel as a tabernacle tax. 

God instructed Moses to make a bronze basin with stand so that the priests could ceremonially wash themselves before ministering in the tabernacle.

Then the Lord gave recipes for the creation of exclusive sacred anointing oil (made from fine spices) and holy incense (made from fragrant spices) which nobody could copy. 

Sunday sermon

Sunday night's main service of the week in Patos was a blessing when I preached on Genesis 26. Countless people thanked me for the sermon after the service. Every Sunday in December we have a Christmas related item and this Sunday two women, Dilma and Fia, did an excellent sketch.

One thing very interesting in the Sunday night service was to see Chico who I hadn't seen for 33 years! When he appeared at the door in his wheelchair I couldn't believe my eyes. He is now 65 and he has moved back to Patos from Fortaleza. 

Last night it rained 60 mm in Patos but only rained 2 mm at Green Pastures. Nevertheless it is a start for the rainy season for which we are grateful.

Monday, 2 December 2024

Exodus 29 (résumé): Consecration of the Priests

This chapter contains detailed instructions for the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests which was a process which lasted 7 days with a bull sacrificed every day. Initially Aaron and his sons were to wash at the entrance to the tabernacle and then put on all their priestly attire. Then they should bring a bull so that Aaron and his sons can lay their hands on it before it is sacrificed. Now put some of the blood on the altar horns and pour the rest at the base of the altar. Then burn parts of the liver and kidneys on the altar, before burning the rest of it outside the camp as a sin offering. Then bring a ram on which Aaron and his sons shall place their hands before sacrificing it and sprinkling its blood on the altar. Then cut the ram in pieces prior to burning it as an offering to God on the altar. Then take another ram, Aaron and his sons put their hands on it before slaughtering it, and then put some of its blood on their right ear lobes, on the thumbs of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet! Then sprinkle blood and anointing oil on the priests to consecrate them. Then Aaron and his sons will wave before God as a wave offering parts of the lamb plus unleavened bread, cake and wafer, before burning it on the altar, but parts of the ram will be given to the priests, and it will be cooked for them to eat. Then from then on every day they will offer 2 lambs together with a grain offering and drink offering in the morning and late afternoon. Thus the priests will be consecrated as will be consecrated the tabernacle for regular meetings of the people with God.   

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Responsible Grace

I have just received the book: "Responsible Grace - John Wesley's practical theology" by Randy L. Maddox. I look forward to reading it as I greatly appreciate Wesleyan theology. "Wesley's value as a major theologian lays in his ability to simplify, synthesize and communicate the essential teachings of the Christian gospel to laity, not in his contributions to speculative academic theology." (Albert Outler) Thank God for this!

Liz and I went for a nice long walk at Green Pastures and found a dead fox on one of the trails. We also saw the following species of birds: Chalk-browed Mocking Bird, White-tipped Dove, Great Kiskadee, Caatinga Cacholote and Rufous-bellied Thrush.

I would like to congratulate our son Philip who has just completed his degree in theology with top marks! He already had a Master's Degree in Computer Science and now he has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology in a course officially recognised by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. How he managed to do this course over the last 3 years I will never know, as it was on top of his leadership role in his company with immense responsibility. Praise the Lord for this tremendous victory!

Yesterday QPR drew 0 x 0 away to Watford and are now placed in 23rd place out of the 24 positions in the Championship. That's 3 games without losing on the run! 👍

Last night I led the weekly service at Green Pastures and I preached too. Sister Nega led the praise and there were a lot of joyful participations in the lovely service.

Last month this blog was read 1,226 times.