Saturday 15 November 2014

It's our 45th Wedding anniversary!

On 15th November 1969 Liz and I were married at the Millbrook Christian Centre, Southampton, England and today, 45 years later, we celebrate in Patos, Paraíba, Brazil going later to speak at a DVD recording by the EAB/ACEV P&W Group 'Tenda do Encontro' in a theatre in Campina Grande.

Liz and I are reckoning that this marriage gives every sign of being on track to work out! However, as I always say to Liz: "If you did ever think of leaving me, just make sure you take me with you"!

We've got lots to thank God for over these years, especially for our 4 kids, 7+ grandkids and for all the spiritual children God has given us along the way.

Last night my talk to the university students in Pombal went well despite a late start. My talk started at 9.30pm instead of 8.30pm - I spoke for an hour - and then had to drive home to Patos. I got to bed a bit after midnight. I enjoyed doing this. It just would have been better had they started on time!

Now I've got to prepare my sermon for tomorrow in Patos. Help!

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